Friday 27 November 2009


It worked! Eventually. Using email to Blogger service.

I've got a new phone...

And unfortunately, it's not a SonyEricsson with built in access to Blogger. So I'm currently having fun trying to set it up. If a picture a a laptop appears in the near future, I've succeeded.

Anyway, the new training plan starts on Monday, so I've been downloading some films to entertain me through hours in the garage - the weather isn't particularly condusive to long road rides at the moment. I need to move to California.

Friday 20 November 2009

It's been a while

I've not really posted anything for a while. The main reason behind this is that I've not really done anything interesting, especially on the exercise front. See, the thing is, I came to the start of November with a training plan, and two days into it I quit. Deleted it.

"Two days! That's pathetic!" I hear you cry (quietly, from a long way away). On the surface yes, but I had a damn good reason. I just wasn't excited by it.

In the Chris Hoy book (or maybe the Bradley Wiggins one), Chris(Bradley) said that training plans had to be exciting. If they weren't exciting you might trudge through them, but you would be looking for excuses. My plan for next year looked very similar to what I did for this year, and I needed a change, or a break.

So, onto Training Peaks I went and removed all the workouts that I'd carefully constructed. Sigh of relief. No getting up at 0615 to ride 42km to work, then ride 42km back. No 4 hour zone 2 rides on a Saturday. No tempo rides on a Sunday.

Instead I've been following the Bart Simpson inspired "Do What You Feel" plan. I've been doing some strength work in the gym. Going for runs, just because I feel like it. Night-trail-running with a torch, avoiding the werewolves. Watching Buffy from the comfort of the turbo trainer. "Core and More" classes. Hell, tonight I even went for a bike ride. Radical.

I think I'm starting to get some inspiration back. I hope so. New training plan starts in December...

Sunday 1 November 2009