Thursday 23 June 2011

My road bike is excited. Very excited.

My road bike is going on a plane. My road bike has never been on a plane before and so it has been spinning around with excitement. It's even been making little excited chirping noises from within the funky Evoc bike bag it's been carefully packed in. That was a fight, I had to wrestle it to the floor and take its wheels off in order to get it to calm down. I can still hear it now, through all the padding and the living room floor (our garage is at the bottom of the house), going "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkk!".

My road bike is going on a plane to France. To the Pyrenees. To Tourmalet, Aubisque, Aspin, Peyresourde, Portet d'Aspet, Marie Blanque, Souler, la Core, Jau, Portillon, Port, Pailheres...

And I'm going with it.

I'm quite excited too.



Rob Lees said...

Just been on a couple of little rides in Cornwall today, then watched the Tour, then caught up with months of DMTB. Quite a bikey day, glad you are recovered and looking forward to the French instalments.

Unknown said...

TdF is getting good already! First French installment up.