Thursday 3 January 2013

Well, that was 2012...

At the end of 2010 I totted up all of my exercise:
  • Road bike, 321 hours, 9840 km
  • Mountain bike, 104 hours, 1448 km
  • Gym, 47 hours
  • Run, 8 hours

And for 2011 it got a little worse:
  • Road bike, 293 hours, 6850 km
  • Mountain bike, 34 hours, 561 km
  • Gym, 25 hours
  • Run, 7 hours

So, how was 2012, with all its road bike training, Dolomites week and Haute Route week? Yet balanced against two months off after the Haute Route, and shocking, shonky weather in the UK.

Well. Wait for it.
  • Road bike, 363 hours, 8926 km
  • Mountain bike, 26 hours, 446 km
  • Gym, 21 hours
  • Run, 2 hours. Go me!

So, in terms of hours, better than 2011, worse than 2010. Mountain biking way down, road biking pretty good. Interestingly 42 more hours on the road bike than 2010, but nearly 900km less distance. That's all those mountains for you.

Overall, not a bad year. I did some things that stretched and challenged me, I didn't fall off much, I stayed fairly fit and fairly unchubby. However, having a single focus for the year did get slightly dull as I cut back on random, interesting rides. That'll change for 2013 I hope - it should be a year of variety.

So, bike goals for the year.
  • Ride at least 10,000km
  • Enter at least one 12 hour mountain bike solo, possibly the 24 hours of Exposure - which also has a 12 hour option. It's frighteningly close to where I live too, and the UK and European championships!
  • Haute Route again, complete within the time limit and finish top 40%
  • Do a minimum of three (3) rides that I'd consider stupid and worth blogging about.

There we go. Fingers crossed that the rain stops sometime this year.

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